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Authors A-F | Authors G-N | Authors O-Z
No Globalization Without Representation
Paul Adler
The Steppe and the Sea
Thomas T. Allsen
Secularism and Hermeneutics
Yael Almog
The Medical Imagination
Sari Altschuler
The Kingdom and the Republic
Noelani Arista
Truth Without Reconciliation
Abena Ampofoa Asare
People Must Live by Work
Steven Attewell
Albert Gore, Sr.
Anthony J. Badger
History and the Written Word
Henry Bainton
Knights, Lords, and Ladies
John W. Baldwin, William Chester Jordan
The Associational State
Brian Balogh
The Loss of the "Trades Increase"
Richmond Barbour
That Most Precious Merchandise
Hannah Barker
The Jews of Eastern Europe, 1772-1881
Israel Bartal, Chaya Naor
Before AIDS
Katie Batza
Bootlegged Aliens
Ashley Johnson Bavery
The Moment of Rupture
Humberto Beck
Slavery's Capitalism
Sven Beckert, Seth Rockman
Beyond the Politics of the Closet
Jonathan Bell
Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society
Aviva Ben-Ur
Risk and Ruin
Gavin Benke
A Medieval Life
Judith M. Bennett
African Kings and Black Slaves
Herman L. Bennett
A World at Sea
Lauren Benton, Nathan Perl-Rosenthal
The White Nuns
Constance Hoffman Berman
The Workfare State
Eva Bertram
Prairie Imperialists
Katharine Bjork
Set the World on Fire
Keisha N. Blain
Race and the Making of American Political Science
Jessica Blatt
Colonial Complexions
Sharon Block
War Is All Hell
Edward J. Blum, John H. Matsui
Remaking the Republic
Christopher James Bonner
Pulse of the People
Lakeyta M. Bonnette
Border Lines
Daniel Boyarin
Iberian Moorings
Ross Brann
The Age of Intoxication
Benjamin Breen
Connecting Histories
David B. Ruderman, Francesca Bregoli
Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean
Randy M. Browne
The Commerce of Vision
Peter John Brownlee
Electoral Capitalism
Jeffrey D. Broxmeyer
Jamaica in the Age of Revolution
Trevor Burnard
The Plantation Machine
Trevor Burnard, John Garrigus
The Marvels of the World
Rebecca Bushnell
The Black Republic
Brandon R. Byrd
The Nature of the Page
Joshua Calhoun
Entangled Empires
Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra
Force and Freedom
Kellie Carter Jackson
The Visigothic Kingdom in Iberia
Santiago Castellanos
Assembling the Local
Upal Chakrabarti
The Prosthetic Tongue
Katie Chenoweth
Scholarship, Money, and Prose
Michael Chibnik
The Fathers Refounded
Elizabeth A. Clark
Legacies of Fukushima
Kyle Cleveland, Scott Gabriel Knowles, Ryuma Shineha
The Rule of Peshat
Mordechai Z. Cohen
The Anthropological Turn
Jacob Collins
The Apache Diaspora
Paul Conrad
Medieval Iberia
Olivia Remie Constable
Latinos and the Liberal City
Eduardo Contreras
Spiritual Socialists
Vaneesa Cook
The Heart of the Mission
Cary Cordova
The Diary of Elizabeth Drinker
Elaine Forman Crane
In Defense of Populism
Donald T. Critchlow
Republican Character
The Invention of Rivers
Dilip da Cunha
Periodization and Sovereignty
Kathleen Davis
Undercurrents of Power
Kevin Dawson
Dominion Built of Praise
Jonathan Decter
Early Modern Aristotle
Eva Del Soldato
Seneca Possessed
Matthew Dennis
Human Rights Transformation in Practice
Tine Destrooper, Sally Engle Merry
Family Values and the Rise of the Christian Right
Seth Dowland
Gu Hongming's Eccentric Chinese Odyssey
Chunmei Du
Nordic Religions in the Viking Age
Thomas DuBois
Bastards and Believers
Theodor Dunkelgrün, Paweł Maciejko
The Native Ground
Kathleen DuVal
Katherine Eggert
The Bride of Christ Goes to Hell
Dyan Elliott
The Corrupter of Boys
The Buddha's Footprint
Johan Elverskog
Marie of France
Theodore Evergates
The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times
Christopher A. Faraone
Lucretia Mott's Heresy
Carol Faulkner
The Jewish Enlightenment
Shmuel Feiner, Chaya Naor
The Long Gilded Age
Leon Fink
American Freethinker
Kirsten Fischer
In the Heat of the Summer
Michael W. Flamm
The Material Fall of Roman Britain, 300-525 CE
Robin Fleming
Backroads Pragmatists
Ruben Flores
Invisible Enlighteners
Federica Francesconi
Star Territory
Gordon Fraser
Dispossessed Lives
Marisa J. Fuentes
The Book of Books
Thomas Fulton
The Broadside Ballad in Early Modern England
Patricia Fumerton
A Nation of Women
Gunlög Fur
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