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To view the full list of all AHA titles, click here.
Wicked Flesh
Jessica Marie Johnson
Occupied America
Donald F. Johnson
The World Colonization Made
Brandon Mills
American Freethinker
Kirsten Fischer
The Age of Intoxication
Benjamin Breen
Contested Bodies
Sasha Turner
Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society
Aviva Ben-Ur
Remaking the Republic
Christopher James Bonner
Set the World on Fire
Keisha N. Blain
The Black Republic
Brandon R. Byrd
Migrant Citizenship
Verónica Martínez-Matsuda
Beyond the New Deal Order
Gary Gerstle, Nelson Lichtenstein, Alice O'Connor
Her Neighbor's Wife
Lauren Jae Gutterman
The Medical Metropolis
Andrew T. Simpson
Latinos and the Liberal City
Eduardo Contreras
Beyond the Politics of the Closet
Jonathan Bell
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