Penn Press at UHA 2021

Browse our selection of titles for Urban History Month 2021!

For additional titles from our backlist, check out our tab devoted to The City in the 21st Century

Shareholder Cities

Shareholder Cities

Sai Balakrishnan

Bootlegged Aliens

Bootlegged Aliens

Ashley Johnson Bavery

A New Working Class

A New Working Class

Jane Berger

Latinos and the Liberal City

Latinos and the Liberal City

Eduardo Contreras

How Ideas Shape Urban Political Development

How Ideas Shape Urban Political Development

Richardson Dilworth, Timothy P. R. Weaver

Disastrous Times

Disastrous Times

Eli Elinoff, Tyson Vaughan

In the Heat of the Summer

In the Heat of the Summer

Michael W. Flamm

Major Decisions

Major Decisions

Laurie Grobman, E. Michele Ramsey

A Brotherhood of Liberty

A Brotherhood of Liberty

Dennis Patrick Halpin

Philadelphia Stories

Philadelphia Stories

C. Dallett Hemphill, Rodney Hessinger, Daniel K. Richter

Capital Gains

Capital Gains

Richard R. John, Kim Phillips-Fein

Art Wars

Art Wars

Rachel N. Klein

Becoming Jane Jacobs

Becoming Jane Jacobs

Peter L. Laurence

Blue-Collar Conservatism

Blue-Collar Conservatism

Timothy J. Lombardo

Life Among Urban Planners

Life Among Urban Planners

Jennifer Mack, Michael Herzfeld

Historic Real Estate

Historic Real Estate

Whitney Martinko

Remaking the Rust Belt

Remaking the Rust Belt

Tracy Neumann

New Towns for the Twenty-First Century

New Towns for the Twenty-First Century

Richard Peiser, Ann Forsyth

Perspectives on Fair Housing

Perspectives on Fair Housing

Vincent J. Reina, Wendell E. Pritchett, Susan M. Wachter, Marc Morial

Critical Disaster Studies

Critical Disaster Studies

Jacob A.C. Remes, Andy Horowitz

The Ecology of Homicide

The Ecology of Homicide

Eric C. Schneider

Free and Natural

Free and Natural

Sarah Schrank

Street Commerce

Street Commerce

Andres Sevtsuk

Iconic Planned Communities and the Challenge of Change

Iconic Planned Communities and the Challenge of Change

Mary Corbin Sies, Isabelle Gournay, Robert Freestone

The Medical Metropolis

The Medical Metropolis

Andrew T. Simpson

Frank Furness

Frank Furness

George E. Thomas, Alan Hess