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Refugee Cities
Sanaa Alimia
Bootlegged Aliens
Ashley Johnson Bavery
A New Working Class
Jane Berger
Illusions of Progress
Brent Cebul
Latinos and the Liberal City
Eduardo Contreras
Urban Planning in a World of Informal Politics
Chandan Deuskar
How Ideas Shape Urban Political Development
Richardson Dilworth, Timothy P. R. Weaver
The Philadelphia Negro
W. E. B. Du Bois, Elijah Anderson, Isabel Eaton
The Paradox of Urban Revitalization
Howard Gillette Jr.
A Brotherhood of Liberty
Dennis Patrick Halpin
Nation's Metropolis
Dr. Royce Hanson, Harold Wolman
In Union There Is Strength
Andrew Heath
The Closet and the Cul-de-Sac
Clayton Howard
The Roots of Educational Inequality
Erika M. Kitzmiller
Becoming Jane Jacobs
Peter L. Laurence
Blue-Collar Conservatism
Timothy J. Lombardo
City of Dispossessions
Kyle T. Mays
Hospital City, Health Care Nation
Guian A. McKee
Master Plans and Encroachments
Faiza Moatasim
Remaking the Rust Belt
Tracy Neumann
This Is My Jail
Melanie Newport
Critical Disaster Studies
Jacob A.C. Remes, Andy Horowitz
The Ecology of Homicide
Eric C. Schneider
The Medical Metropolis
Andrew T. Simpson
University City
Laura Wolf-Powers
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