Penn Press at
Shakespeare Association 2023

Browse our full selection of SAA 2023 titles

The Age of Intoxication

The Age of Intoxication

Benjamin Breen

The Marvels of the World

The Marvels of the World

Rebecca Bushnell

The Nature of the Page

The Nature of the Page

Joshua Calhoun

Fictions of Consent

Fictions of Consent

Urvashi Chakravarty

Won in Translation

Won in Translation

Roger Chartier, John H. Pollack

Bad Humor

Bad Humor

Kimberly Anne Coles

The Matter of Virtue

The Matter of Virtue

Holly A. Crocker

Digging the Past

Digging the Past

Frances E. Dolan



Katherine Eggert

Writing Plague

Writing Plague

Susan L. Einbinder

Paper Monsters

Paper Monsters

Samuel Fallon

Knowing Fictions

Knowing Fictions

Barbara Fuchs

The Book of Books

The Book of Books

Thomas Fulton

Sex Lives

Sex Lives

Joseph Gamble

In Good Faith

In Good Faith

Claire M. Gilbert

Making the Miscellany

Making the Miscellany

Megan Heffernan

Blood Matters

Blood Matters

Bonnie Lander Johnson, Eleanor Decamp

Subjects of Advice

Subjects of Advice

Ivan Lupić

Queer Philologies

Queer Philologies

Jeffrey Masten

On Pestilence

On Pestilence

Girolamo Mercuriale, Craig Martin

Scripts of Blackness

Scripts of Blackness

Noémie Ndiaye

Early Modern Cultures of Translation

Early Modern Cultures of Translation

Karen Newman, Jane Tylus

Wit's Treasury

Wit's Treasury

Stephen Orgel

Early Modern Histories of Time

Early Modern Histories of Time

Kristen Poole, Owen Williams

Botanical Poetics

Botanical Poetics

Jessica Rosenberg

Possible Knowledge

Possible Knowledge

Debapriya Sarkar

Shakespeare's First Reader

Shakespeare's First Reader

Jason Scott-Warren

Captives of Conquest

Captives of Conquest

Erin Woodruff Stone

Shakespearean Issues

Shakespearean Issues

Richard Strier

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Emily Weissbourd