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Christian Images and Their Jewish Desecrators
Katherine Aron-Beller
The Loss of the "Trades Increase"
Richmond Barbour
The Age of Intoxication
Benjamin Breen
The Marvels of the World
Rebecca Bushnell
Fictions of Consent
Urvashi Chakravarty
Won in Translation
Roger Chartier, John H. Pollack
Bad Humor
Kimberly Anne Coles
Katherine Eggert
Writing Plague
Susan L. Einbinder
Piracy and the Making of the Spanish Pacific World
Kristie Flannery
Knowing Fictions
Barbara Fuchs
The Book of Books
Thomas Fulton
The Broadside Ballad in Early Modern England
Patricia Fumerton
Sex Lives
Joseph Gamble
Natural Designs
Elizabeth Gansen
Boundaries of Belonging
April Lee Hatfield
Making the Miscellany
Megan Heffernan
The Erotics of Materialism
Jessie Hock
Between the Bridge and the Barricade
Iris Idelson-Shein
Addiction and Devotion in Early Modern England
Rebecca Lemon
Ghosts, Holes, Rips and Scrapes
Zachary Lesser
Cultures of Witnessing
Emma Lipton
On Pestilence
Girolamo Mercuriale, Craig Martin
Scripts of Blackness
Noémie Ndiaye
The Invention of Shakespeare, and Other Essays
Stephen Orgel
Wit's Treasury
Coterie Poetics and the Beginnings of the English Literary Tradition
R. D. Perry
The Drama of Serial Conversion in Early Modern England
Holly Crawford Pickett
Beyond 1619
Paul J. Polgar, Marc H. Lerner, Jesse Cromwell
Botanical Poetics
Jessica Rosenberg
Possible Knowledge
Debapriya Sarkar
Captives of Conquest
Erin Woodruff Stone
Shakespearean Issues
Richard Strier
A Constitutional Culture
Adrian Chastain Weimer
Meter and Modernity in English Verse, 1350-1650
Eric Weiskott
Bad Blood
Emily Weissbourd
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