Penn Press at OAH 2021

Now available in paperback

View Penn Press’s complete list of OAH 2021 featured titles HERE.

The Workfare State

The Workfare State

Eva Bertram

Set the World on Fire

Set the World on Fire

Keisha N. Blain

Colonial Complexions

Colonial Complexions

Sharon Block

Pulse of the People

Pulse of the People

Lakeyta M. Bonnette

The Plantation Machine

The Plantation Machine

Trevor Burnard, John Garrigus

Force and Freedom

Force and Freedom

Kellie Carter Jackson

Republican Character

Republican Character

Donald T. Critchlow

In the Heat of the Summer

In the Heat of the Summer

Michael W. Flamm

Christian Slavery

Christian Slavery

Katharine Gerbner



Brenna Wynn Greer

Civil Disabilities

Civil Disabilities

Nancy J. Hirschmann, Beth Linker

Capital Gains

Capital Gains

Richard R. John, Kim Phillips-Fein

Republic of Taste

Republic of Taste

Catherine E. Kelly

Becoming Jane Jacobs

Becoming Jane Jacobs

Peter L. Laurence

Black Walden

Black Walden

Elise Lemire

Blue-Collar Conservatism

Blue-Collar Conservatism

Timothy J. Lombardo

God Almighty Hisself

God Almighty Hisself

Mitchell Nathanson

Remaking the Rust Belt

Remaking the Rust Belt

Tracy Neumann

The Settlers' Empire

The Settlers' Empire

Bethel Saler

In This Land of Plenty

In This Land of Plenty

Benjamin Talton

Frank Furness

Frank Furness

George E. Thomas, Alan Hess

Pan American Women

Pan American Women

Megan Threlkeld

Contested Bodies

Contested Bodies

Sasha Turner

The Employee

The Employee

Jean-Christian Vinel

Destructive Creation

Destructive Creation

Mark R. Wilson