About Penn Press
Founded in 1890, the University of Pennsylvania Press is one of the oldest scholarly imprints in North America. Penn Press publishes rigorous and thought-provoking work in the humanities and social sciences designed to advance knowledge, dialogue, and understanding.
Our Acquisitions Editors
Walter Biggins, Editor-in-Chief
[email protected]
Areas of acquisition: Cultural studies, intellectual and political history of the Americas, Atlantic World and postcolonial studies
Robert Lockhart, Senior Editor
[email protected]
Areas of acquisition: Atlantic history, American history (colonial through the present), history of the African Diaspora and transnational history, urban studies
Selected series: The Arts and Intellectual Life in Modern America (AIL), Intellectual History of the Modern Age (IHM), Nature and Culture in America (NCA), Politics & Culture in Modern America (POC)
Jerome Singerman, Senior Editor
[email protected]
Areas of acquisition: Medieval and Early Modern European history, Jewish history, literary criticism and cultural studies
Selected series: Alembics: Penn Studies in Literature and Science (ALM), Jewish Culture and Contexts (JCX), The Middle Ages Series (MA), Material Texts (MT), Q19: The Queer American Nineteenth Century (Q19), RaceB4Race: Critical Race Studies of the Premodern (RB4R); Sound in History
Jenny Tan, Associate Editor
[email protected]
Areas of acquisition: Ethnography, anthropology, political studies