Kalamazoo 2024

Penn Press at ICMS 2024

Browse our full selection of titles
for ICMS 2024

Uncertain Refuge

Uncertain Refuge

Elizabeth Allen

Reimagining Christendom

Reimagining Christendom

Joel D. Anderson

Poisoned Wells

Poisoned Wells

Tzafrir Barzilay

The Land Is Mine

The Land Is Mine

Andrew D. Berns

Iberian Moorings

Iberian Moorings

Ross Brann

Sonic Bodies

Sonic Bodies

Tekla Bude

The Marvels of the World

The Marvels of the World

Rebecca Bushnell

What Kind of a Thing Is a Middle English Lyric?

What Kind of a Thing Is a Middle English Lyric?

Cristina Maria Cervone, Nicholas Watson

Fictions of Consent

Fictions of Consent

Urvashi Chakravarty

Won in Translation

Won in Translation

Roger Chartier, John H. Pollack

Bad Humor

Bad Humor

Kimberly Anne Coles

A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy

A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy

Jacques Dalarun, Sean L. Field, Valerio Cappozzo

The Art of Allusion

The Art of Allusion

Sonja Drimmer



Katherine Eggert

Writing Plague

Writing Plague

Susan L. Einbinder

After the Black Death

After the Black Death

Susan L. Einbinder

Unfinished Christians

Unfinished Christians

Georgia Frank

Knowing Fictions

Knowing Fictions

Barbara Fuchs

The Book of Books

The Book of Books

Thomas Fulton

Sex Lives

Sex Lives

Joseph Gamble

Making the Miscellany

Making the Miscellany

Megan Heffernan

Fixing the Liturgy

Fixing the Liturgy

Claire Taylor Jones

Thou Art the Man

Thou Art the Man

Ruth Mazo Karras

In Light of Another's Word

In Light of Another's Word

Shirin A. Khanmohamadi

Death of the Desert

Death of the Desert

Christine Luckritz Marquis

City of Saints

City of Saints

Maya Maskarinec

On Pestilence

On Pestilence

Girolamo Mercuriale, Craig Martin

The Emergence of Arabic Poetry

The Emergence of Arabic Poetry

Nathaniel A. Miller

Scripts of Blackness

Scripts of Blackness

Noémie Ndiaye

Lyric Tactics

Lyric Tactics

Ingrid Nelson

The Permeable Self

The Permeable Self

Barbara Newman

Wit's Treasury

Wit's Treasury

Stephen Orgel

Medieval Badges

Medieval Badges

Ann Marie Rasmussen

León and Galicia Under Queen Sancha and King Fernando I

León and Galicia Under Queen Sancha and King Fernando I

Bernard F. Reilly, Simon R. Doubleday

Knowledge True and Useful

Knowledge True and Useful

Frank Rexroth, John Burden

Botanical Poetics

Botanical Poetics

Jessica Rosenberg

Inventing the Berbers

Inventing the Berbers

Ramzi Rouighi

Islamic Gardens and Landscapes

Islamic Gardens and Landscapes

D. Fairchild Ruggles

Possible Knowledge

Possible Knowledge

Debapriya Sarkar

A Pious Belligerence

A Pious Belligerence

Uri Zvi Shachar

The House of Condulmer

The House of Condulmer

Alan M. Stahl

Between Christian and Jew

Between Christian and Jew

Paola Tartakoff

England's Jews

England's Jews

John Tolan

Sons of Saviors

Sons of Saviors

Rebekka Voß

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Emily Weissbourd

Black Metaphors

Black Metaphors

Cord J. Whitaker

In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight

Ann E. Zimo

Living with the Law

Living with the Law

Oded Zinger