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No Globalization Without Representation
Paul Adler
Engineering Expansion
William D. Adler
Roaring Metropolis
Daniel Amsterdam
The Loss of the "Trades Increase"
Richmond Barbour
Food Chains
Warren Belasco, Roger Horowitz
Risk and Ruin
Gavin Benke
A New Working Class
Jane Berger
Green Capitalism?
Hartmut Berghoff, Adam Rome
Speculation Nation
Michael A. Blaakman
Branding Trust
Jennifer M. Black
Making Seafood Sustainable
Mansel G. Blackford
Capitalism and the Senses
Regina Lee Blaszczyk, David Suisman
Producing Fashion
Regina Lee Blaszczyk
The Metropolitan Airport
Nicholas Dagen Bloom
The Age of Intoxication
Benjamin Breen
China's Capitalism
Tobias ten Brink, Carla Welch
Power, Participation, and Private Regulatory Initiatives
Daniel Brinks, Julia Dehm, Karen Engle, Kate Taylor
Illusions of Progress
Brent Cebul
The Pennsylvania Railroad, Volume 1
Albert J. Churella
Diplomacy and Capitalism
Christopher R.W. Dietrich
Paying the Toll
Louise Nelson Dyble
The Long Gilded Age
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The Silver Women
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Beyond the New Deal Order
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The Paradox of Urban Revitalization
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Bank Notes and Shinplasters
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Brenna Wynn Greer
From Main Street to Mall
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Capitalism Contested
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Capital Gains
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The Future of Risk Management
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Laid Waste!
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Surveillance Capitalism in America
Josh Lauer, Kenneth Lipartito
Capitalism's Hidden Worlds
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The People's Network
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Sovereign Soldiers
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Hospital City, Health Care Nation
Guian A. McKee
The Military and the Market
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Hinterland Dreams
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Building the Empire State
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Remaking the Rust Belt
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Reform or Repression
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No Wood, No Kingdom
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Contracting Freedom
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Smugglers, Pirates, and Patriots
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Market Rules
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Liquid Capital
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The Business of Tourism
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The Medical Metropolis
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Sound Business
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Sound in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
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Equality on Trial
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The Paradox of Debt
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An Illustrated Business History of the United States
A Brief History of Doom
The Employee
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Divided Unions
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Destructive Creation
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An Economy of Strangers
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