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African Kings and Black Slaves
Herman L. Bennett
Time for Reparations
Jacqueline Bhabha, Margareta Matache, Caroline Elkins
Set the World on Fire
Keisha N. Blain
Race and the Making of American Political Science
Jessica Blatt
Colonial Complexions
Sharon Block
Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean
Randy M. Browne
The Black Republic
Brandon R. Byrd
Force and Freedom
Kellie Carter Jackson
Undercurrents of Power
Kevin Dawson
Dispossessed Lives
Marisa J. Fuentes
Brenna Wynn Greer
The Alchemy of Slavery
M. Scott Heerman
Wicked Flesh
Jessica Marie Johnson
Black Walden
Elise Lemire
Liberty's Prisoners
Jen Manion
The Strangers Book
Lloyd Pratt
In This Land of Plenty
Benjamin Talton
Contested Bodies
Sasha Turner
Black Metaphors
Cord J. Whitaker
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