Penn Press at ASALH 2021

For the Classroom

Penn Press’s most popular course titles include several titles of interest to scholars of African American History.

If you would like to request desk or exam copies of any of the titles below, please visit Ingram Academic Services. Search by ISBN, title, or author, and select “Request Desk Copy” or “Request Exam Copy.”

Do you need electronic access for your courses? Contact your home institution’s library for details of what is available.

To view our full selection of titles for ASALH 2021, click here.

Slavery's Capitalism

Slavery's Capitalism

Sven Beckert, Seth Rockman

Set the World on Fire

Set the World on Fire

Keisha N. Blain

Force and Freedom

Force and Freedom

Kellie Carter Jackson

The Negro

The Negro

W. E. B. Du Bois, Robert Gregg

In the Heat of the Summer

In the Heat of the Summer

Michael W. Flamm

Dispossessed Lives

Dispossessed Lives

Marisa J. Fuentes

Beyond Civil Rights

Beyond Civil Rights

Daniel Geary

Christian Slavery

Christian Slavery

Katharine Gerbner



Brenna Wynn Greer

Wicked Flesh

Wicked Flesh

Jessica Marie Johnson

Black Walden

Black Walden

Elise Lemire

In the Crossfire

In the Crossfire

John P. Spencer

Contested Bodies

Contested Bodies

Sasha Turner