American Studies at Penn Press

Browse the full selection of titles
for our American Studies 2021 sale!

Engineering Expansion

Engineering Expansion

William D. Adler

Bootlegged Aliens

Bootlegged Aliens

Ashley Johnson Bavery

A New Working Class

A New Working Class

Jane Berger

The Workfare State

The Workfare State

Eva Bertram

Time for Reparations

Time for Reparations

Jacqueline Bhabha, Margareta Matache, Caroline Elkins

Set the World on Fire

Set the World on Fire

Keisha N. Blain

Colonial Complexions

Colonial Complexions

Sharon Block

War Is All Hell

War Is All Hell

Edward J. Blum, John H. Matsui

Remaking the Republic

Remaking the Republic

Christopher James Bonner

The Black Republic

The Black Republic

Brandon R. Byrd

Digital Media and Democratic Futures

Digital Media and Democratic Futures

Michael X. Delli Carpini

Force and Freedom

Force and Freedom

Kellie Carter Jackson

The Apache Diaspora

The Apache Diaspora

Paul Conrad

Latinos and the Liberal City

Latinos and the Liberal City

Eduardo Contreras

Spiritual Socialists

Spiritual Socialists

Vaneesa Cook

Mastering Emotions

Mastering Emotions

Erin Austin Dwyer



Carol Faulkner

Cookbook Politics

Cookbook Politics

Kennan Ferguson

In the Heat of the Summer

In the Heat of the Summer

Michael W. Flamm

Star Territory

Star Territory

Gordon Fraser

Christian Slavery

Christian Slavery

Katharine Gerbner

Selling Antislavery

Selling Antislavery

Teresa A. Goddu

Revolutions and Reconstructions

Revolutions and Reconstructions

Van Gosse, David Waldstreicher



Brenna Wynn Greer

Major Decisions

Major Decisions

Laurie Grobman, E. Michele Ramsey

Her Neighbor's Wife

Her Neighbor's Wife

Lauren Jae Gutterman

A Brotherhood of Liberty

A Brotherhood of Liberty

Dennis Patrick Halpin

Japanese American Incarceration

Japanese American Incarceration

Stephanie D. Hinnershitz

Civil Disabilities

Civil Disabilities

Nancy J. Hirschmann, Beth Linker

Far-Right Vanguard

Far-Right Vanguard

John S. Huntington

Law Without Future

Law Without Future

Jack Jackson

Wicked Flesh

Wicked Flesh

Jessica Marie Johnson

Republic of Taste

Republic of Taste

Catherine E. Kelly

Borderlands of Slavery

Borderlands of Slavery

William S. Kiser

Illusions of Empire

Illusions of Empire

William S. Kiser

Art Wars

Art Wars

Rachel N. Klein

Laid Waste!

Laid Waste!

John Lauritz Larson

Surveillance Capitalism in America

Surveillance Capitalism in America

Josh Lauer, Kenneth Lipartito

Battle Green Vietnam

Battle Green Vietnam

Elise Lemire

Black Walden

Black Walden

Elise Lemire

Migrant Citizenship

Migrant Citizenship

Verónica Martínez-Matsuda

Historic Real Estate

Historic Real Estate

Whitney Martinko

Asylum Ways of Seeing

Asylum Ways of Seeing

Heather Murray

Religion in the Public Square

Religion in the Public Square

James M. Patterson

The Strangers Book

The Strangers Book

Lloyd Pratt

I've Been Here All the While

I've Been Here All the While

Alaina E. Roberts

A Right to Lie?

A Right to Lie?

Catherine J. Ross

The Settlers' Empire

The Settlers' Empire

Bethel Saler

Free and Natural

Free and Natural

Sarah Schrank

Voting in Indian Country

Voting in Indian Country

Jean Reith Schroedel

The Changing Terrain of Religious Freedom

The Changing Terrain of Religious Freedom

Heather J. Sharkey, Jeffrey Edward Green

The World That Fear Made

The World That Fear Made

Jason T. Sharples

The Practice of Citizenship

The Practice of Citizenship

Derrick R. Spires

Nuclear Country

Nuclear Country

Catherine McNicol Stock

Old Style

Old Style

Claudia Stokes

Captives of Conquest

Captives of Conquest

Erin Woodruff Stone

"Ethel's Love-Life" and Other Writings

"Ethel's Love-Life" and Other Writings

Margaret J. M. Sweat, Christopher Looby, Christopher Looby

In This Land of Plenty

In This Land of Plenty

Benjamin Talton

Frank Furness

Frank Furness

George E. Thomas, Alan Hess

Philosophical Siblings

Philosophical Siblings

Jane F. Thrailkill

Equality on Trial

Equality on Trial

Katherine Turk

The Color of Equality

The Color of Equality

Devin J. Vartija

Democracy in Crisis

Democracy in Crisis

Boris Vormann, Christian Lammert, Susan H. Gillespie

Divided Unions

Divided Unions

Alexis N. Walker

Black Metaphors

Black Metaphors

Cord J. Whitaker