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Authors A-F | Authors G-M | Authors N-Z
No Globalization Without Representation
Paul Adler
Engineering Expansion
William D. Adler
Frontiers of Jewish Scholarship
Anne O. Albert, Noah S. Gerber, Michael A. Meyer
The Medical Imagination
Sari Altschuler
Reimagining Christendom
Joel D. Anderson
The Kingdom and the Republic
Noelani Arista
History and the Written Word
Henry Bainton
Knights, Lords, and Ladies
John W. Baldwin, William Chester Jordan
The Loss of the "Trades Increase"
Richmond Barbour
The Maternalists
Shaul Bar-Haim
That Most Precious Merchandise
Hannah Barker
Poisoned Wells
Tzafrir Barzilay
Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in the Middle Ages
Elisheva Baumgarten
Bootlegged Aliens
Ashley Johnson Bavery
The Moment of Rupture
Humberto Beck
Beyond the Politics of the Closet
Jonathan Bell
African Kings and Black Slaves
Herman L. Bennett
A Medieval Life
Judith M. Bennett
A World at Sea
Lauren Benton, Nathan Perl-Rosenthal
Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society
Aviva Ben-Ur
On Screen and Off
Anne Berg
A New Working Class
Jane Berger
The Land Is Mine
Andrew D. Berns
Time for Reparations
Jacqueline Bhabha, Margareta Matache, Caroline Elkins
The Early Imperial Republic
Michael A. Blaakman, Emily Conroy Krutz, Noelani Arista
Capitalism and the Senses
Regina Lee Blaszczyk, David Suisman
Race and the Making of American Political Science
Jessica Blatt
Colonial Complexions
Sharon Block
War Is All Hell
Edward J. Blum, John H. Matsui
Inventing William of Norwich
Heather Blurton
Remaking the Republic
Christopher James Bonner
Women Healers
Susan H. Brandt
Iberian Moorings
Ross Brann
The Age of Intoxication
Benjamin Breen
Undoing Slavery
Kathleen M. Brown
Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean
Randy M. Browne
Electoral Capitalism
Jeffrey D. Broxmeyer
Jamaica in the Age of Revolution
Trevor Burnard
A Nation of Veterans
Olivier Burtin
The Marvels of the World
Rebecca Bushnell
The Black Republic
Brandon R. Byrd
The Nature of the Page
Joshua Calhoun
Prague and Beyond
Kateřina Čapková, Hillel J. Kieval
Force and Freedom
Kellie Carter Jackson
The Visigothic Kingdom in Iberia
Santiago Castellanos
Illusions of Progress
Brent Cebul
Assembling the Local
Upal Chakrabarti
Fictions of Consent
Urvashi Chakravarty
Won in Translation
Roger Chartier, John H. Pollack
The Prosthetic Tongue
Katie Chenoweth
Scholarship, Money, and Prose
Michael Chibnik
Legacies of Fukushima
Kyle Cleveland, Scott Gabriel Knowles, Ryuma Shineha
The Rule of Peshat
Mordechai Z. Cohen
Bad Humor
Kimberly Anne Coles
The Anthropological Turn
Jacob Collins
The Apache Diaspora
Paul Conrad
Latinos and the Liberal City
Eduardo Contreras
Frontiers of Gender Equality
Rebecca J. Cook
Spiritual Socialists
Vaneesa Cook
The Heart of the Mission
Cary Cordova
In Defense of Populism
Donald T. Critchlow
Republican Character
The Many Resurrections of Henry Box Brown
Martha Cutter
Cultivating Empire
Lori J. Daggar
A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy
Jacques Dalarun, Sean L. Field, Valerio Cappozzo
Undercurrents of Power
Kevin Dawson
Early Modern Aristotle
Eva Del Soldato
Diplomacy and Capitalism
Christopher R.W. Dietrich
The Textual Effects of David Walker's "Appeal"
Marcy J. Dinius
Bastards and Believers
Theodor Dunkelgrün, Paweł Maciejko
Mastering Emotions
Erin Austin Dwyer
Katherine Eggert
Writing Plague
Susan L. Einbinder
After the Black Death
The Corrupter of Boys
Dyan Elliott
The Bride of Christ Goes to Hell
The Great Power of Small Nations
Elizabeth N. Ellis
The Buddha's Footprint
Johan Elverskog
The Virginia Venture
Misha Ewen
Cosmos, Liturgy, and the Arts in the Twelfth Century
Margot E. Fassler
Carol Faulkner
American Freethinker
Kirsten Fischer
The Material Fall of Roman Britain, 300-525 CE
Robin Fleming
The Silver Women
Joan Flores-Villalobos
Invisible Enlighteners
Federica Francesconi
Unfinished Christians
Georgia Frank
Star Territory
Gordon Fraser
Dreams for a Decade
Stephanie L. Freeman
Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London
Katherine L. French
The Book of Books
Thomas Fulton
The Broadside Ballad in Early Modern England
Patricia Fumerton
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